Wednesday 29 November 2023

The Month That Was……November 2023

It will come as no surprise to anyone that I love living by rules……I work in a heavily regulated environment where rules dictate behaviour……I was a football referee who guided 22 players through 90 minutes by applying rules……and I am an absolute nerd at sticking to those unwritten rules we live by. 

You know the ones……

- Only putting the recycling out on the day of collection.

- Always thanking another driver for letting you through.

- Always asking “sorry, are you in the queue?” whenever there is doubt that you could be pushing in.

- Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

- Expecting bills to travel through the post at twice the speed of any refund.

- Accepting that junk is something that is kept for years and then thrown away three weeks before it’s needed.

- Never lick a steak knife.

- Never touch another person’s fries. Ever.

- Always ask for the bill in a restaurant by pretending to write in the air with an invisible pen.  

- When walking upstairs behind a woman, the stairs instantly become the most interesting thing in your life ever.

- If you borrow something for a third time, you need one of your own.

- Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.

Simple and effective unwritten rules that make life all the easier and ones that I absolutely stick to. The problem is, I expect others to live by them as well……and that’s where the problem lies.

Rishi is a great example of someone I find frustrating by not playing by the unwritten rules. 

Example 1: Never employ someone in your cabinet who is simply vile and front page fodder that you will never be able to defend. Yet, Rishi thought Suella Braverman was a good idea.

Example 2: Always choose someone from your political party that has been elected as an MP to sit in your cabinet or it will annoy those elected MPs. Yet Rishi thought it a good idea to ignore 349 elected Conservative MPs and promote David Cameron to Foreign Secretary instead. Hardly a vote of confidence in his elected colleagues! What next…..Pitt the Younger as Chancellor! Thank goodness Farage is in the jungle or Rishi would have made him deputy PM!

To be fair, David Cameron’s return gives hope to everyone that it doesn’t matter how badly you mess up in a job, if you wait around long enough you can always have a second chance. Presumably Liz Truss is watching with interest.

Example 3: Before a cabinet reshuffle, make sure that you don’t end up with egg on your face. Yet Rishi sacked the housing minister the day before key housing reform measures were to be debated in Parliament. Or appointing Victoria Atkins as Health Secretary when her husband is Chief Executive of one of the world’s biggest sugar companies (British Sugar) and you are politically reluctant to take action on obesity and the promotion of unhealthy foods.

Example 4: If you are going to create a new position in your cabinet, make sure that it is credible and will stand the test of time. Yet Rishi created a new position of ‘Common Sense Tsar’. It’s the kind of idea that would be floated, and rejected, by a pupil’s council in a primary school. What on earth was Rishi think?

The Conservatives have invented an unusually large number of new posts over the years. The ‘Minister for Brexit Opportunities’ or the ‘Minister for Levelling Up’ have yet to be really adopted by the public……probably because there is nothing to put your finger on anything they’ve done. Literally.

The biggest common sense failure of the Common Sense Tsar is a very obvious one: if there now needs to be, at the highest levels of Government, a Common Sense Tsar, it brutally suggests that all the other Governmental departments and ministers aren’t using common sense.

The first rule of a genuine Common Sense club would be abolishing something as nonsensical as a Common Sense club and all Tsars it nominates. It’s just … common sense.

Come on Rishi……you are better than this. It’s all about living by the unwritten rules.

The Numbers

Two big announcements dominated the figures this month.

The first came from the Bank of England with their inflation announcement……a sharp fall……down to 4.6%.

It's the lowest rate since November 2021, which was mainly down to lower energy prices. Gas costs are down by 31% in comparison to a year ago, with electricity prices down 15.6%.

UK inflation has been consistently above other G7 economies but is now beginning to fall back in line with peers. Latest estimates show the equivalent headline inflation in the US fell to 3% and it is averaging at 2.9% in the Eurozone.

As you can imagine, there were lots of 'inflation halved' celebrations from politicians. Yet prices are still rising and are well above the Bank of England target.

It's interesting that when there is high inflation due to global factors, such as energy prices, the Tories say it's nothing to do with them. When inflation falls due to global factors, such as energy prices, suddenly this is because of specific measures Rishi has taken. Let’s be really clear on this……rising inflation slowing is not the result of Government as it is down to falling energy prices and sky high interest rates. Neither are controlled by the Government.

The second announcement was Jezza’s Autumn Statement in Parliament against a backdrop of flatlining growth, warnings on inflation and dire opinion polls. It was 51 minutes of political hot air that could have been summarised in 2 minutes. The key headlines included:

- The ‘triple lock’ on State Pension increases was confirmed to be 8.5%. The full State Pension is to increase to £221.20 per week from April 2024, a £900 per year increase.

- The Inflation forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) suggests it will be 2.8% by end of 2024 and hitting the 2% target in 2025. We shall see.

- The OBR expects negligible economic growth in the run up to the General Election……0.6% this year, 0.7% next year and 1.4% in 2025, which is not exactly a boom. It is obviously good that the economy has avoided recession but we are struggling our way back up to 2%.

- National Insurance was cut from 12% to 10%.

- National Living Wage for over-21s will be increased from £10.42 to £11.44 an hour.

- The government plans to launch a sale of NatWest shares over the next 12 months, as it aims to fully sell its 38.7% stake in the bank by 2026. Expect the queue for buyers to be short.

Interestingly / slyly / connivingly, Jezza ‘forgot’ to mention that less than 24 hours after his speech, Ofgem would be increasing the energy price cap to £1,928, a rise of 5%. Another rise in bills for so many already struggling to pay……yet not a single mention of this increase, insulation or energy efficiency in his speech.


Trump of the Month

Ignoring Rishi’s spectacular incompetence with his cabinet reshuffle (deckchairs and titanic come to mind!), there could only be one winner of the Trump of the Month……Suella Braverman.

When I read the headline that Suzy wanted to ban tents, I was all on board with that. Let’s be fair, going camping for a family holiday is only ever going to end in family squabbles and the quick realisation that it isn’t a holiday. Banning camping made a lot of sense and I was quickly all for it.

Reading further though, my support was misguided. The (then) Home Secretary sparked controversy by claiming that rough sleepers were making a “lifestyle choice” and she wanted to ban homeless people from sleeping in tents. Suzy was pushing for powers to restrict the use of tents by homeless people in urban areas, including by making it a civil offence for charities to distribute them.

I always thought lifestyle choices were things such as cargo pants with a matching jumper wrapped loosely over your shoulders, crocheting and decorating your bathroom with a bowl of potpourri.

Homelessness happens when housing policy fails, there is a lack of social homes, sky high private rents, rising evictions and the ongoing cost of living crisis. Poverty is not a lifestyle choice. It is a political choice that she is a part of.

Unlike being homeless, being an evil heartless (insert word of choice) IS a lifestyle choice.

Trump Lunacy Rating: 10 / 10

And Finally……

“Present fears are less than horrible imaginings.”

William Shakespeare

Tuesday 31 October 2023

The Month That Was……October 2023

October offered up a Friday the 13th. You know the drill……don’t walk under ladders, avoid black cats, etc. I always thought it was a load of rubbish……until this one.

My day started badly. Very badly. I brewed the perfect cuppa, only to find there was no milk left. So I popped to the local shop (trip 1) in the rain and got soaked. Brilliant.

I got home, made another brew and the tea bag split before dropping my toast butter side down. Arghhhh. I then ran out of toilet roll at a crucial moment. So I popped to the local shop (trip 2) in the rain and got soaked (again).

I’m a fully grown competent human being so I used the self-checkout. “Unexpected item in bagging area, please remove”.  But I just……I just scanned it! WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Enter Brenda from stage right to rescue the competent human being.

I decided to treat myself to a cheeky mid-morning biscuit with my tea as a pick me up……of course the wheat weakling collapsed into the cup and my attempt at a daring rescue mission failed miserably. Day ruined. 

Then the day’s task of drafting an important letter was rudely delayed by the lack of a postage stamp. Exactly who in their right mind allows the stamp hoard to run dry? Who is responsible and can take blame for my clerical oversight? It can’t be me surely? Trip 3 to the local shop (and the third drenching of the day) to queue for 15 minutes to post one letter. Well, when I say post……Sandra behind the counter seemed overly keen to inform me that she was due a break as I got to the front and that she would be closed for 20 minutes.

Death by a thousand cuts and it was only 11:00am. Maybe there was something in this whole Friday the 13th malarky. So there was only one thing for it……detailed and in depth research (Google) to get to the bottom of this.   

The association with bad luck starts with the number 13. In Abrahamic religions, 12 is seen as a number representing perfection and completion; there are 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, Abraham has 12 sons, there are 12 tribes of Israel. The number 13 is therefore symbolically considered imperfect. At the Last Supper of Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot, Christ’s betrayer, was the 13th guest.

The association with Friday is also linked to Judas Iscariot, betraying Christ on Maundy Thursday leading to his execution on Good Friday.

These ideas percolated for hundreds of years, growing stronger and more influential as the centuries pass, until we reach modern day. I knew there had to be a logical reason why this clumsy, ham fisted (semi) competent man was having ‘one of those days’.  

So I’m now off to my GP to discuss my self-diagnosed condition of Friggatriskaidekaphobia (the fear of Friday the 13th). There’s got to be some tablets for that……surely?

The Numbers

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave some pre-Halloween fright with its announcement that it has slashed the forecast for UK economic growth. The IMF puts Britain at the bottom of the G7 league table for 2024. In its latest health check, the IMF lowered the UK’s projected growth rate from 1% in 2024 to 0.6%.

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States make up the G7 and account for 50% of global net wealth. Being bottom of that table is quite an achievement given the recession-hit countries in the Eurozone.

The UK has suffered from prolonged high inflation compared with the United States and the Eurozone since 2022, owing to the economy’s delicate exposure to market energy prices. The IMF expects inflation to average 7.7% this year, one of the highest in the developed world. It is predicting this will fall to an average of 3.7% per cent in 2024, still well above the Bank of England’s 2% target.

Persistent inflation will mean the Bank of England will need to keep interest rates higher for longer than any other big central bank. Clearly not the right ingredients for economic growth.

And those higher interest rates are a problem for the Tories……a pre-election tax cut sweetener looks unlikely. Jez Hunt will warn that the economic outlook accompanying his autumn statement on 22nd November is likely to show £30 billion in additional debt interest payments due to high borrowing costs (compared with March forecasts). And that was meant to be the cash for the tax giveaway!

The interest the Government pays on national debt has now reached a 20-year high and the balance stands at £2.59 trillion.

The timing of the latest position on Covid business loans was not ideal to add to the above. Around £11 billion of taxpayer-backed pandemic business loans are in arrears or default. The Government has paid £6.2 billion to banks that were underwritten by the state (i.e. us!). It is not a situation that is going to improve if we have to live with higher interest rates for longer.

This month’s most important number was always going to be 31 and Halloween! 

Trump of the Month

There were plenty of worthy considerations this month but the Trump of the Month award is fully deserving and goes to……Conservative Party.

It was their party conference this month and a real chance to ignite voters with forward thinking politics ready for the General Election. Instead we were treated to:

- Liz Truss smiling away and wanting another go at implementing her cartoon version of economics. And just to absolutely enforce she is as barmy as The Trump, she announced the slogan….. “Make Britain Grow Again”.

- Then Nigel Farage turned up for the usual self-promotion and then to support Liz Truss with any time leftover.

- Suella Braverman was next up and was heckled during her speech……before stepping on the tail of a guide dog wearing high heels (Suella not the dog). 

- Theresa May attended for the first time since 2018 and conducted a signing of her book.

- Iain Duncan Smith handed Rishi a list of 100 changes to make Brexit great (only 100!).

And then there was the main event……

- Rishi used the northern location of the conference (Manchester) to announce the cancellation of the northern section of HS2 due to costs. Even the dumber members of the Tories would realise that the timing and location might not be ideal……surely?   

And that is all the party conference will be remembered for, which is truly astonishing.

Whilst the opposition does not look ready for power yet, there is a national mood shift and the tired Tories are on the wrong side of it.

Trump Lunacy Rating: 10 / 10

And Finally……

“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”

George Washington

Wednesday 4 October 2023

The Month That Was……September 2023

Whether you realise it or not, the political shuffling for the General Election has started……especially if you are an older voter.

There is key context to Rishi’s recent behaviour……in 2019 the Conservatives vote share among the over-65s was more than 60%. Such is the extent of the divide between how the old and the young vote, age has become more important than class. There are over 11 million people over the age of 65 for Rishi to now flirt with……and he’s had his best lippie on this month. 

It started with the ‘triple lock’ this month, which pins the annual increase in the State Pension to whichever is the greatest of average earnings growth, inflation, or 2.5 per cent. The ‘whichever the greater figure’ in September each year wins the race and is applied the following April. September’s figure last year saw a 10% increase and it will now rise by a further 7.8% in April given this month’s figure (earnings growth won this year).

This is obviously good news for those retired, but difficult to justify politically in the wider economic context given the Government’s reluctance to raise civil servant pay and trying to tackle inflation / cost of living. So what does Rishi do……contest the 8% to a lower figure……or honour the triple lock?

Easy……look after the 60% and nurture the voters for next year.

When considering the 60% context, it will come as no surprise that there is strong consideration at No 10 among senior figures about abolishing inheritance tax as the headline tax giveaway next year as a pre-election sweetener.

50% of the population thinks that it is an unfair tax and 31% think that they have sufficient assets to have to pay inheritance tax (source: Institute for Fiscal Studies). Yet the reality is that only 4% of UK deaths a year result in an inheritance tax charge.

Given that Inheritance Tax brings in only £7 billion a year to the Government, it is a pretty cheap way to appeal to the 60%.

There is absolutely no doubt that Rishi is governing the country to appeal to voters rather than what is right and proper. Make no mistake……the General Election has definitely started.


The Numbers

Andrew Bailey, the Governor of the Bank of England, cast significant doubt this month on the need for further interest rate rises as “peak interest rates have been reached”. He also added that the Bank of England is “through with lifting interest rates” and stressed inflation was on course for a “marked” decline.

So there. It’s official. Apparently.

It won’t surprise you that there is some suspicion out there on such bold statements given the recent history of his lack of foresight on inflation, interest rate rises and the length of the pain caused by both.

Bailey at least got one month correct as interest rates were held at 5.25% as the Bank of England voted 5-4 to keep borrowing costs unchanged. It was the first time interest rates remained the same since November 2021 after 14 straight increases.

All eyes will be on 18th October for the next instalment of the inflation game. The latest inflation figure of 6.7% suggests the direction of travel is down……just not a quick enough journey though!  

The key statistic of the month showed that average earnings across the economy rose by 7.8%, the highest pace of wage growth recorded in 22 years. It is very difficult to see how inflation can be brought down to 2% when wages are growing by nearly four times this. It makes the prediction of interest rates peaking seem premature.

And that 7.8% will be painful for the Government as September’s measure of the ‘triple lock’ is what the State Pension will now rise by in April……an increase in cost of £11 billion.

The impact of higher interest rates is being felt by UK private sector businesses as the composite Purchasing Managers’ Index (my clear favourite of all of the indices……it’s a cracker) fell from 50.8 to 47.9. This was the worst performance since January 2021 and a below 50 score separates growth from contraction. The downturn hit the services industry hardest and raised the risk of a recession.

Given the level of interest rates, it is perhaps no surprise this month that house prices saw the biggest yearly decline since 2009 at 5.3% lower compared to last year.

And the month also saw the little lady return to school and a new adventure in Year 5

Trump of the Month

For the second month in a row, nothing has come close to the absolute absurdity and sheer lunacy of this man’s body of work. September 2023’s Trump of The Month could only be……The Trump

In addition to facing 91 criminal charges for basically acting like a ‘wrong un’ over recent times (see August’s blog), he is also facing civil legal action on the grounds of committing fraud over many years. He essentially inflated the value of his real estate empire to gain preferential terms on insurance and loans.

In one example, The Trump claimed his apartment in Trump Tower was 30,000 square feet. In fact, it is 11,000 square feet. “A discrepancy of this order of magnitude, by a real estate developer sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud,” the judge wrote.

The judge ruled this month that the case of defrauding banks and insurers is likely to see The Trump lose the $250 million lawsuit and his licences to trade in New York.

Did The Trump try to argue his case tactfully? Perhaps meet the accusers half way? Come clean and admit to fraud? Not a chance……he took to social media to exclaim:

“It is a POLITICALLY MOTIVATED WITCH HUNT by a Racist Attorney General, and a Deranged, Trump Hating Judge. It is ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before.”

Even by The Trumps standards, that’s quite a response. But here’s the thing……The Trump is still red hot favourite to win the Presidential Election next year. The latest poll puts The Trump ahead of Joe B among registered voters by 52% to 42%. A ten point lead!

I scratch my head at The Trump being considered the best candidate amongst a population of 330 million to lead the most powerful country in the world.    

We are walking eyes wide open into another four years of this. All of this would be fascinating and funny if it wasn’t true.

Good luck everyone.

Trump Lunacy Rating: 10 / 10


And Finally……

“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.”

George Washington

Wednesday 30 August 2023

The Month That Was……August 2023

I took a few days off this month and decided to keep things very traditional……a break in the Yorkshire Dales being, well, bloody British. This obviously meant spending too much time inside chuntering about the weather and waiting for a 5 minute break in the rain to smell the (damp) fresh air.  

But my time waiting for that 5 minutes wasn’t wasted and some positive life conclusions were found:

- There is nothing in life as soothing as an animal yawning.

 Getting a fly to leave your house is the most complex operation known to man. It's completely baffling how flies can accidentally end up coming into your house when you consider just how big outside is.

- The saying “better than a kick in the teeth” sums up British levels of optimism, expectation and acceptance perfectly.

- I would love to know the stats on how many divorces were caused because of arguments over dishwasher stacking. I’d say if everyone was honest it’s a strong 90%. A lightweight tupperware lunch box incorrectly put on the top shelf that ‘flips’ and fills nicely to the brim with the dirty water and then soaks the clean dishes at the bottom is a clear reason for divorce. Definitely 90%.

- It’s now impossible to ‘pick up a few bits” from the supermarket without it costing £54.

- As retailer Wilko collapses, WH Smith somehow manages to cling on. We live in a sick world. It’s got to be their iron grip on airports that’s keeping them going. Wilko, like Woolworths, did pic n mix……whereas WH Smith always stayed away. There’s a lesson for all retailers right there.

- There is no greater stress than ‘those’ people who decide to queue to the side of someone rather than directly and obviously behind them. What on earth do you think you’re doing? Your behaviour is odd, distressing and is causing mental chaos for many. Stop it.

- Only a Brit would look at a portion of rice and think “I know what would go well with that… a portion of chips”.

- Starting a sentence by quietly saying “look” is a clear warning that you're completely consumed with rage.

- I can still remember my best friend’s landline number from when I was 7……but recounting my wife’s mobile number is beyond me (it’s been the same number for over 20 years).

- I stare angrily at the ‘Quiet Coach’ sign in the hope it will cause the loud person to be ejected through the roof of the train. It never does though.

- There is never a more satisfying feeling than when you’ve given your desk a damn good tidy.

- Never has the month of August been so good for the garden.

- Accidentally inching forward a bit at the traffic lights is a guaranteed way to tell the car to your side that you've challenged them to a race.

- There’s nothing a cup of tea can’t cure. Apparently.

- You’re not truly having guests around unless you’ve decanted some posh crisps into a bowl. Indeed, nothing says domestic sophistication in Britain more than the decanting of crisps.

- I learnt that Nigel Farage is 3 years younger than Gary Lineker and I’m not sure what to do with that information other than maybe eat more crisps. I had a similar reaction to the realisation that Jay Z and Jacob Rees-Mogg are the same age.

I am sure you would agree……the rain induced downtime has been well used.

The Numbers

A puzzle, disguised as a problem, wrapped up in a conundrum, creating a dilemma. Welcome to the world of UK inflation 2023.

August started with the Bank of England’s announcement on interest rates……a further rise of 0.25% to 5.25%. This is the 14th consecutive interest rate rise and a 15-year high.

All eyes were then on August’s pay and price (AKA inflation) figures.

First came the announcement that wages grew at a record annual pace of 7.8%, the highest since comparable records began in 2001. Then came the news of inflation reducing from 7.9% to 6.8%. ‘Stable’ is not a word that comes to mind.

The Bank of England Governor, Andrew Bailey, said “once both prices and pay are stable, then rates would drop”. This month’s figures were far from ‘stable’.

To put this another way, inflation can’t hit the target of 2% if we are earning more than that.  

Not welcome figures and it points to more interest rate rises from September. We are certainly not at the interest rate peak.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for the Bank of England is to explain why interest rate rises have had so little impact, despite causing huge pain to hundreds of thousands of mortgage holders and other borrowers. This is the biggest credibility test it has faced.

The key indicator of when the interest rate pain is working is when unemployment increases sufficiently. When businesses start to fail or reduce employment numbers, unemployment will go up. And when unemployment goes up, there will be a greater pool of people to fill less vacancies. The greater the pool, the cheaper the wages that need to be paid……bringing inflation down as a consequence.  

This month’s announcement from the ONS's employment data suggested that the UK jobs market is weakening, with the unemployment rate rising from 4% to 4.2% and the number of people in jobs ticked lower. This will be welcomed by the Bank of England as a sign labour market conditions are cooling……but not cold enough though. Clearly, interest rates need to be more painful and more pain is in the post.

My own favourite number this month……250……the number of years Honister Slate Mine has been in operation……which obviously meant that a certain Daddy and Daughter felt obliged to climb! 

Trump of the Month

There has been quite an abundance of entries for the monthly award for lunacy and all are very worthy candidates.

Huw Pill (Bank of England Chief Economist) informed all in a recent speech that “there's an equal risk that inflation could fall too far below the Bank’s 2% target in the next 2 years or it could prove stubbornly high, leading to more monetary tightening”. A perfect forecast……it might be too high or too low. This is the UK’s top economist and we pay him £197,217 a year. Mental. 

Liz Truss……remember her? She could have demurred when it came to the announcement of her resignation honours list and won back some respect……but she persisted. Her nomination list included people who, during her five minutes as Prime Minister, stayed steadfastly at her side while she crashed the economy and presumably didn’t once say: “You are stupid and this is mad.”

Whilst BoJo’s resignation honours list was simply ghastly, Lizzie trashed the values of excellence, achievement and integrity that should underpin such awards. Crazy. 

Interestingly, the list didn’t include the financial master Kwasi Kwarteng. Presumably even she thought he was too insane for an honour given his interview this month where he admitted that the mini-budget turmoil they created affected his mortgage. To put that another way, he's having to pay the 'moron premium' for screwing up our economy too.

Personally, I don't think you should be allowed to be the Chancellor of the Exchequer if you are stupid enough to have a tracker mortgage since 2021 when Bank of England interest rates were near to 0%. What was he thinking? 

Oliver Dowden (Deputy Prime Minister) showed equally idiotic economic skills when wheeled out to do media duties in Rishi’s absence (as a Disney world tourist).

“Raising interest rates will grow the economy” he proclaimed proudly.

Now hang on a minute Oli……let me explain this. There may be good reasons to raise interest rates, but growing the economy definitely isn’t one of them. Ever. You see, raising interest rates is to create depressed spending and this reduces the size of the economy……which is the complete opposite of what you believe. It’s basic economics Oli. Fool.

However, there could only ever be one winner for August’s Trump of The Month……The Trump!

In case you missed it……

The Trump received a third indictment when charged with trying to overturn the 2020 election. And just as the dust settled, he received a fourth indictment charged with attempting to overturn his 2020 election defeat in the state of Georgia.

These indictments are arguably the most momentous in the US’s 247-year history because it goes right to the heart of the electoral system that underpins American democracy.

Oh, in case you forgot……the other two indictments are for 37 counts of falsifying tax returns to conceal alleged hush money payments to two women who claimed affairs with him and 40 charges relating to the classified documents he kept from his time as president.

He now faces a total of 91 criminal charges as he campaigns to take back the White House in a potential rematch with Biden at the 2024 general election. He will face a jury in Washington DC, an area where 92% of voters supported Biden in 2020.

Such is The Trump’s crazy ego, there is the extraordinary possibility that the United States could sentence one of its former presidents to jail in the same year he seeks to return to the White House.

The Trump’s response was to claim a conspiracy and witch hunt (obviously) and his legal team will now do all it can to string this out and delay court start dates.

Let's be clear. Despite The Trump’s claim, he has not been indicted by Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Soros, Big Bird, Wokeness, Disney World, the pride flag, critical race theory or Barbie. The Trump was indicted by private citizens as the US Constitution requires. End of.

Everything you need to know about the lunacy of The Trump is contained in those four indictments and him still believing he is a good choice to run for Presidency.

Absolute nutter.

Trump Lunacy Rating: 10 / 10

And Finally……

“Knowledge and ego are directly related. The less knowledge, the greater the ego.”

Albert Einstein