Tuesday 2 April 2019

The Month That Was……March 2019

A momentous month that will put a stake in the ground of this great country’s history for centuries as we move forward independent of the EU. A new chapter that will shape this island for generations to come when the people and MPs held hands and took control of their future. A proud moment for all in the UK.
What’s that? Oh, hang on a second. Say that again. We didn’t leave on 29th March? Ah…… 
Here’s how March 2019 will be remembered……

Political Paralysis
You would be forgiven for thinking that MPs represent the demands, needs and wishes of the constituencies they serve. However, if you ever want to understand how irrelevant this fanciful idea is, just follow the voting habits of these MPs with anything to do with Brexit.
Regardless of your view on the rights / wrongs of Brexit, the fact remains the referendum highlighted that the ‘will of the people’ at that time was to leave the EU. But the backdrop in delivering this is messy. Very Messy.
75% of MPs want the UK to remain in the EU.
The other 27 countries that make up the EU want the UK to remain in the EU.
Given this, is it any wonder that after 2½ years there is no majority agreement to the terms of the withdrawal. MPs have rejected no Brexit, rejected leaving without a deal and rejected the negotiated withdrawal agreement. So, what exactly do MPs want?
The bizarre thing is, the withdrawal agreement that has been rejected three times only contains details on the financial settlement with the EU, guarantees about the rights of EU / UK citizens and the Northern Ireland border. That’s it. The majority of the leaving details will be thrashed out during the ‘transition period’ until the end of 2020.
Whether MPs want it or not, they have probably created a lengthy delay in leaving the EU and significantly more uncertainty for all on the shape of the UK’s future. Ultimately all options are on the table – it would take a fool to bet again on Article 50 being revoked, another General Election or a further referendum. Such is the uncertainty, I wouldn’t bet against Donald Trump being the next Prime Minister. Farcical.
Our political system is broken and our MPs have failed us. It really is that simple. It is beneath the dignity of this country to have two main political parties so utterly without talent, intellect, agreement or vision debating something as mind-bogglingly complex and dangerous as Brexit.
They say countries get the politicians they deserve……I’m struggling to understand what the hell we have done to deserve this!
Just for the record……12th April is the new date we crash out unless something new is negotiated. Apparently. Definitely maybe. Kind of.
Cameron Calling
Appearing from nowhere like an arsonist who burned down your house offering to sell you a fire alarm……David Cameron has entered left stage over the last few weeks.
Offering the following ‘top tips’ on Brexit……“There are four groups in Parliament - people who want the PM's deal, people who want no deal, people who want a second referendum and people who want a softer Brexit. The Government needs to 'work together' and 'compromise' to get a deal.”
Unfortunately, he forgot the fifth group……people who want no Brexit at all. A bit like him.
Springless Statement
In amongst all of the Brexit shenanigans, the Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his Spring Statement on the state of the economy, public coffers, budget assumptions, et al.
I get that it’s an important statement. We need to be kept informed and to understand the likely direction of travel with the public finances and the economy. I get it. I really do get it.
But here’s the thing……
The EU is the largest single trading block in the world and not to have access or to even have negotiated the terms of access is shambolic. How can UK businesses and the economy function when it doesn’t have negotiated rules to trade and have access to the EU?
Which makes the financial statements the Chancellor made based on assumptions that do not consider all of the Brexit (or not) scenarios pretty worthless. 
I am sorry Mr Hammond but your statement was like a fork salesman appearing when it's raining soup. Pointless. 
Calamitous Chris
I despair. Just when you thought political incompetence had hit a new high, the next story emerges. Westminster is the gift that keeps on giving……and not in a good way.
You may remember the story of the Transport Secretary Chris Grayling awarding Seaborne a £13.8 million contract to provide extra ferry services in the event of a no-deal Brexit…..even though the company didn’t own a single ferry or had ever run a ferry service.
Well, the Government has now made an out of court settlement to Eurotunnel of £33 million of our money as they successfully argued that the contracts were handed out in a "secretive" way. Eurotunnel argued it would have been a strong contender for a contract, having run a ferry service as recently as 2015.
The Government was essentially ‘held over a barrel’ by Eurotunnel and was left with little choice but to settle. Or I guess they had the choice to follow a competent procurement process in the first place and save £33 million as a result. Just a thought.  
Chris Grayling is still Transport Minister in case you were wondering.  
Top Trump
The Mueller Report to determine if there was a Trump-Russia conspiracy during the presidential campaign was finalised……no evidence was found.
“The Special Counsel did not find that the Trump Campaign or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian Government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump Campaign.”
Trump cleared then. For now. While the report does not conclude that the President committed a crime it also does not exonerate him either.
Given the vast number of convictions of Trumps inner circle for wide ranging crimes that were unearthed during the investigation, it was no surprise that The Trump declined a smug lap of honour. There are too many other investigations into The Trump still to be finalised before we see that.
Imagine the joyless, empty and anxious feeling I got when I realised we are only 18 months from his potential re-election for a second term. Terrific.
March’s Biggest Loser……Option 1 – Theresa May
Away from Brexit, knife crime is a serious issue that is escalating in the UK and has been further heightened by recent fatal episodes.
When questioned if the fall in police numbers had contributed to the rise in knife crime, Theresa May responded: “If you look at the figures, what you see is that there's no direct correlation between certain crimes and police numbers.”
Fair enough then……let’s test this by removing all police protection for politicians!
March’s Biggest Loser……Option 2 – The Trump
According to the Washington Post, Donald Trump has made 9,014 false or misleading claims in nearly 800 days whilst President.
The Trump averaged nearly 6 false or misleading claims a day in his first year in office. He hit nearly 17 a day in his second year. So far in 2019, he’s averaging nearly 22 claims a day.
And that is the most important man in world politics, economics and power.
March’s Biggest Loser……Option 3 – Nigel Farage
Like an annoying Jack Russell at your heels, Nigel Farage caused enough of a nuisance to get the main political parties to add the EU referendum to their General Election manifestos in 2016. He started it and he caused it.  
Rearing his head again in the build up to the previous 29th March Brexit date, he arranged a march from the North East to Parliament proclaiming……“Before 2016, I promised to cause an earthquake in British politics. This time, I will attempt a revolution. It will be democratic and peaceful.”
The ‘epic protest march’ saw 68 people turn up……resembling a group of ramblers attempting to prove that a public footpath is still a viable right of way.
Quite the revolution!
And Finally……
The UK has just passed the £5 billion spend mark on the HS2 train project……and we haven't laid a single metre of track. Meanwhile in China, they have built a 59 storey skyscraper in 30 days. A little perspective for you!
At risk of sounding repetitive…… Chris Grayling is still Transport Minister.


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