Wednesday 14 June 2017

Hollow Election

The recent General Election marked my sixth trip to the polling station as a voter but it all felt a very hollow experience.
You see, political parties put a manifesto together as a public declaration of policy and aims. However, such is the significance of leaving the EU and Brexit negotiations commencing over the next week, manifestos can be put out for recycling for the next collection. They are pretty much worthless now.
The majority of declarations and aims in the manifestos are linked to (a) money, with a direct consequence of spending in particular areas as cuts or further borrowing will be  required to support / fund it or (b) EU legislation.
In 2016, the Government brought in £744 billion and spent £802 billion……the gap was funded by borrowing. However, we currently have no idea what the associated costs will be to leave the EU and over what period these will be paid……some estimates are scary. That has a huge implication on how the Government prepares budgets, taxes individuals and companies, decides what can be spent on public services, what cuts need to be made, etc., etc.
Then add to the financial aspect that we have to negotiate an immigration policy with Brussels and decide which laws we will keep or bin (around half of our laws come from the EU), it makes it increasingly difficult to place any significance or importance on manifestos. Brexit negotiations dictate so much.
The most bizarre and infuriating aspect of the build up to the General Election was the lack of focus on Brexit……this was the biggest issue that will have the biggest impact on the elected party’s ability to deliver manifesto promises. Yet it was given so little focus from all. So exactly what were we meant to base our vote on?
All in all, the General Election build up and result was a right royal mess. All very avoidable and at a time when it simply wasn’t required going into a political fight with the EU. It just feels a politically arrogant and selfish act by Theresa May that she will now live to regret.
Which begs the question……just what was the point of it all?  

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