Monday 5 June 2017

Deadline To The Breadline

The results of a detailed survey on income and savings have been published recently.
The significant headline is that the average employee has only about a month's savings to maintain their lifestyle if their income suddenly stopped. Equally concerning is that 26% of people said savings would run out in a week or less, 23% said they had nothing to fall back on at all and 22% had less than £500 in savings.
Whilst concerning, should we really be surprised?
Unemployment figures may be at their lowest level since (insert the latest politically spun figure) but it is the level of income that is the issue. With inflation running close to 3% and rising, income simply isn’t keeping pace with the cost of living.
Whilst Labour may be exploiting the message that ‘real’ income is falling, they have a point and it can’t keep going on forever.
The alternative……higher unemployment but those working on higher wages.
It’s a dilemma for sure.

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