Wednesday 18 January 2017

Buoyant Brexit?

6 months have passed since the UK voted to leave the EU. Whilst it is not as simple as choosing what we want (there is the small matter of the remaining EU members that want what’s right for them……damn them for not making it easier), things became a lot clearer yesterday in Theresa May’s 12 point battle cry plan:
(1) Certainty & Clarity
“The first objective is crucial. We will provide certainty wherever we can.”
(2) Control Our Own Laws
“We will take back control of our laws and bring an end to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in Britain”.
(3) Strengthen The Union
“A stronger Britain demands that we strengthen the precious union between the four nations of the United Kingdom”.
(4) Maintain The Common Travel Area With Ireland
'We cannot forget that, as we leave, the United Kingdom will share a land border with the EU. Maintaining that Common Travel Area with the Republic of Ireland will be an important priority for the UK”.
(5) Control of Immigration
“We need to build a fairer Britain. That means ensuring it is fair to everyone who lives and works in this country. And that is why we will ensure we can control immigration to Britain from Europe”.
(6) Rights For EU Nationals In Britain / British Nationals In The EU
“Fairness demands that we deal with another issue - we want to guarantee the rights of EU citizens who are already living in Britain and the rights of British nationals in other member states”.
(7) Protect Worker Rights
“As we translate the body of European law into our domestic regulations, we will ensure that worker rights are fully protected and maintained.”
(8) Free Trade With European Markets
“As a priority, we will pursue a bold and ambitious Free Trade Agreement with the European Union. This agreement should allow for the freest possible trade in goods and services between Britain and the EU’s member states.”
(9) New Trade Agreements With Other Countries
“But it is not just trade with the EU we should be interested in. A Global Britain must be free to strike trade agreements with countries from outside the European Union too. It is clear that the UK needs to increase significantly its trade with the fastest growing export markets in the world.”
(10) The Best Place For Science & Innovation
“A global Britain must also be a country that looks to the future. That means being one of the best places in the world for science and innovation.”
(11) Cooperation In The Fight Against Crime & Terrorism
“A Global Britain will continue to cooperate with its European partners in important areas such as crime, terrorism and foreign affairs.”
(12) A Smooth, Orderly Brexit
“These are our objectives for the negotiation ahead – objectives that will help to realise our ambition of shaping that stronger, fairer, global Britain that we want to see.”
The 12 point plan is certainly ambitious. Very ambitious. But then again, if it wasn’t we would have been disappointed and misrepresented.
Like it or not, Theresa May is the chosen one to pull the trigger shortly on the required 2 years notice to leave the EU and she will negotiate on our behalf. There will be winners. There will be losers. Let’s hope she sticks to her pledge when negotiating that “it is better to have no deal than a bad deal”.
That is ultimately what she will be judged on.

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