Thursday 1 October 2015

State of State Pensions


Most of us don’t know where to go for information on State Pensions. Most of us don’t care until into our 50 / 60’s. But apathy is costly……every year a high proportion of money due to people in retirement goes unclaimed. What a sad and desperate situation.
During ‘our working lives’, many people don’t do paid work for a whole load of reasons (unemployment, sickness, maternity, paternity, parents, carers, training, jury service, etc.). When they are not at paid work, most can still get national insurance credits towards their state pension entitlement. You can see what you can claim for by clicking on this link.
The important think people need to know is that a lot of these credits need to be claimed……they are not dished out automatically. This is a big deal. Nobody has your back. Nobody will write to you to tell you what you are entitled to. Nobody will ‘top up’ your credits as a favour. ACTION IS NEEDED.
In summary, if you have had a period of no paid work……don’t be lazy……it’s your entitlement!

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