Tuesday 9 December 2014

Tory Election Campaign (AKA The Autumn Statement)

So there you have it……the Autumn Statement gave us pretty much what we were expecting – something for all voters to be happy with!

For homeowners……(and 80% of voters are)
A new approach to stamp duty that will make 98% of all property sales cheaper.

For the over 55’s……(a huge voting block – 75% will vote)
ISA limits to increase again in April and as well re-confirmation of revolutionary changes to pensions.

For Bank Bashers……(apparently 95% of voters distrust them)
Closure of a tax loop hole that will hit corporate profits.

For Middle England……
An increase to the 40% tax limit meaning higher rate tax payers will be £224.00 per year better off.

For Families……
Flight duty scrapped for young children (under 12).

For Students……
Loans will be made available for post-graduates.

All in all, it was a crowd pleasing election sweetener where everyone got a little bit. What is more impressive, is that this was a neutral give away in that it didn’t cost a penny as it was funded from savings / taxes elsewhere.

Just don’t mention Government borrowings or the deficit……it was quickly thrown away.

Just another 6 months of this political strutting to go……thankfully!

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