Tuesday 2 December 2014

General Election White Elephant

Christmas will be here and gone before you know it and all eyes will turn to the General Election in the first half of 2015.

It’s interesting that all the political opponents are happy to create small arguments to gain small political points, yet the biggest issue of all is likely to remain unearthed……Public Borrowing.

You see, Public Borrowing is such a negative subject and there is little to be gained by mentioning as part of election campaigns. Let’s put it simply……there are only two things you can do with the public debt: (1) Increase It or (2) Reduce It through public service / austerity cuts. Either way, you can’t win as a political party. So what’s the alternative……simply don’t mention it!

Watch how little airtime this subject gets……it will frighten you.

But here are the simple facts that you need to know:
- This financial year's borrowing target is £95.5 billion.
- With 6 months of the year left, the Government have already borrowed £64.1 billion
- £64.1 billion is an increase of £3.7billion from the same period last year.

So, it looks very unlikely the Government will hit its target. In fact, despite years of austerity, public borrowing is increasing and it will rise further.

A recent report has warned that more than £3 billion of taxpayer money was required to deal with massive structural issues with the House of Parliament building or it could be left an unusable ruin.

Given the above, perhaps it already is.

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