Tuesday 13 August 2013

Bonus Party

OK, so we have bashed the bankers and we have bashed the regulator for their stance on paying bonuses. And then along came the Government to join the party. Who’d have thought it? Well, it was never really in doubt.

The story……

Work Secretary, Ian Duncan Smith paid his staff bonuses totalling £44 million last year as a consequence of his department slashing benefits. In all, 97,701 of the Department’s 99,739 staff (98%), shared the £44 million bonus payment.

The bonuses come despite the department being in complete chaos with delays to flagship benefit reforms, a huge benefits test backlog, botched work capability assessments and an IT crisis.

The fact that IDS is happy to reward incompetence and complacency tells you all you need to know about his attitude to the most vulnerable in society.

Shameful stuff.

The fact that few are surprised is even more shameful.

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