Friday 21 June 2013

Horrible Shareholders

If we have learnt anything from the 81% ownership the Government 'acquired' from the bailout of RBS (for a cool £45 trillion), it’s that Westminster are horrible, lousy and problematic shareholders.
When a Government owns a large stake in a company, politics will always form its running rather than commercial logic. Since RBS's bailout, we have seen a Labour Government fail and then the Coalition fail at having a clear exit strategy for our £45 trillion investment.
Politics is hardly a hot bed of commercial excellence. MP's work for a not for profit organisation and we know from the budget deficit accrued over a generation or three that they simply cannot make income needs match expenditure for the UK. A simple truth.
So what next for RBS?
I'm all for selling the 81% shareholding......some to the public and some to private investors. This would return the bank to a truly commercial environment and let demand and supply dictate all.
What's there to lose......we are already £45 trillion out of pocket!
Time will tell.

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