Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Introducing Crawford Falconer

Crawford Falconer……could this be the most important man (economically speaking at least) to be ‘positioned’ in our lifetime?
He will be the man in charge of negotiating the UK's trade deals once Brexit is finalised and starts his new post as Chief Trade Negotiation Adviser at the Department for International Trade this week.
Interestingly, he is from New Zealand. More significantly though, he is a former ambassador to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and has a wealth of experience in such trade negotiations. Certainly a lot more than the UK……for the past 40 years trade deals have been managed by Brussels.
Mr Falconer will be responsible for developing and negotiating free trade deals with countries outside the EU, striking deals with a range of countries covering specific sectors and products and supporting the UK as a member of the WTO.
At the last count, he has in excess of 100 non-EU trade deals to thrash out in less than 2 years……roughly one trade deal a week seems like a tough ‘inbox’ to be starting a new job with!
We can only wish him well……we need him to do well.

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