Thursday 25 May 2017

Taxpayer Tab Settled

Lloyds Banking Group has finally settled its tab with the taxpayer. The Government has confirmed its remaining shares in Lloyds Banking Group have been sold, 8 years after pumping in £20 billion to save it.
At the height of the financial crisis taxpayers owned 43% of Lloyds. Today, the share sales represent a profit of around £500 million for the Government. However, don’t expect the Government to be making a song and dance about the Lloyds sale……it is far too emotive a subject that will divide opinion. Especially leading up to a General Election!
The louder voice being bellowed currently in the media is one of wasted opportunity……what else and how else the UK could have benefited from £20 billion. What growth / jobs / profit / services / etc. could have been developed with that money. It’s amazing how good ‘hindsight commentators’ think they are!
However, we have got our money back and made a profit……but this was never an investment - it was the rescue of a bank that was drowning. And that is the point that the hindsight commentators are missing……it wasn’t an investment. Interestingly, nobody seems able to give a figure on the financial blackhole that would have been created if we hadn’t made the £20 billion rescue.
A return of £500 million has not excited many……but it looks a long way better than the substantial losses we could make by selling the taxpayer’s 73% stake in Royal Bank of Scotland (which is still losing money all these years later).
You win some, you lose some. Bag the £500 million and move on.

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