Tuesday 18 April 2017

Snap Election

So, a General Election it is then……8th June.
Just when the Trump / Brexit cocktail of political spin dominates our news feeds at indigestible levels……we must stomach a further 2 months of political face slapping until we bleed from our ears and eyes.
Just what the nation wants……a third nationwide poll in less than two years. The joy.
Theresa May tried her best to justify the rationale given that only last month there was “no chance” of a General Election in 2017:
“At this moment of enormous national significance there should be unity at Westminster. We need a general election and we need one now because we have at this moment a one off opportunity to get this [Brexit deal] done. I have only recently and reluctantly come to this conclusion. I have concluded the only way to guarantee security and stability for the years ahead is to call this election."
Let’s cut to the chase here……this is simply a political move at a point when her stock is valued highly. It would be hard to believe that three polls giving the Tories a 20% lead in the opinion polls was not a significant factor over the weekend.
Assuming election, it will give her 5 years to sort Brexit out rather than the 2 years she’s currently working towards before a General Election would need to be called……and we could be in the middle of a right old UK / EU mess that she would be blamed for.
Whether this is the right time for the UK to hold a General Election is low on the priority list……it is the right time for Theresa May and the Conservatives.
And that is all that they are concerned with.

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