Tuesday 12 July 2016

May The Force Be With You

Having an undemocratically selected Prime Minister in a democratic society takes some doing, but we have managed just that! Step forward Theresa May. I think this pretty much sums up the mess that has been created perfectly.
What we do know is that she is not afraid to pull the ‘exit’ gun and fire the bullet to leave the EU. As she announced forcefully, “Brexit means Brexit”. I guess the direction of travel and timescales will become clearer as the weeks progress but there should be very few surprises.
What I am concerned about is transparency……well, Theresa May’s interpretation of it. In fact I have a bee in my bonnet about Westminster and transparency. Actually, I’ve had my knickers in a twist for a few months and wrote about it in April (Tax Transparency http://stevesmithlive.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/tax-transparency.html)
Now, some would give Theresa May credit for going public with her tax affairs during the leadership campaign for being transparent. However, simply telling us that you have submitted your tax returns tells us that……you have submitted your tax returns.
(if you have no life like me then you can read it here: http://www.theresa2016.co.uk/theresa_publishes_her_tax_returns).
However, it is the detail of the tax returns that have not been shown that is a key point.
For example, £5,419 of income relates to dividend payments for shares she owns. Ok then, so which company shares? She will be one of the most significant and powerful people (from an economic perspective) in the country and in the top 10 in the world. Is it too much to ask which companies she could benefit from and have a conflict of interest in when she is setting political and economic policy? Will Brexit enhance the value of these shares and her back pocket?
In an age when the lack of transparency at Westminster causes so many problems (just ask David Cameron), Theresa May’s version of transparency is simply laughable.
And that ladies and gentlemen is your new unelected Prime Minister.

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