Thursday 26 May 2016

The EU Clocking Is Ticking

The clock is ticking as we get ever closer……next month we get to say whether we want to stay or leave the EU.
Forget Eurovision……ignore Euro 2016……the result of this competition will be far-reaching for decades to come.
So, what should we do?
We first had the Prime Minister suggesting any withdrawal might bring about World War III, even though the only war that might occur after the vote is a civil one within the Conservative Party. Then Big Bad Boris (in his German-built Brexit battle bus) argued that the real EU project is not a million miles from the aims of some of history's most diabolical dictators. However dramatic those arguments might have been, they've had little impact, with the latest polls still too tight to call.
46% Remain
43% Leave
11% Undecided
With just four weeks left to go, I wonder what else could ‘trump’ the threat of a new world war to swing the voters!
In the EU referendum it's often been hard to tell apart the heroes from the villains, with Cameron on the same platform as Corbyn and Sturgeon, while many in his own cabinet have been lining up against him alongside old enemies. Confused? You should be.
But back to the big question……should we stay or should we go?
While I have heard very few good arguments for leaving (and my sensible head tells me to stay), the little Devil in me wonders what might happen if Brexit wins the day.
That we might never know if we decide it just might for now be better to stick with the Devil we know.

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