Wednesday 4 November 2015

Oh Dear Lending

Well, that didn't last long. The income-to-loan ratio for borrowers in the UK is now higher than the pre-banking collapse level. Oh dear.


A big deal?


Damn right. Part of the issue that caused the banking collapse was irresponsible lending…..i.e. lending larger amounts than incomes could afford. This created a vacuum of bad borrowers that simply couldn’t afford the debt and left banks with a legacy of money that simply wouldn’t get repaid.


In these situations, bank reserves are used to cover the ‘gaps’ in non-repaid loans. And when banks don’t have free money to lend, the whole system stops and the economy grinds to a halt. 


The graph above from the Council of Mortgage Lenders highlights that we are now lending at a higher ratio of income than back in 2007 for both first time buyers and homeowners. 


Which begs the question……if I can see this, then the Government, Regulator, Bank of England, Treasury, etc. also can but why is nothing being done?


The silence is deafening. Have we just not learnt anything?

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