Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Most Important Election In 50 Years

The most important election in 50 years……that is the long and short of it based on my honest assessment of the economic and political realities we currently face.
I have previously voted Labour and LibDem in the past for a whole variety of reasons – some well-informed – some naively assumed. But the current economic and political realities lead me to conclude that the future of the country is at risk if the Conservatives do not form the next Government. Trust me, coming from a family of Labour voting shipyard workers in one red corner and Labour voting miners in the other red corner, that is a big statement for me to make.
You see, most political policies all stem from the economy……or what’s in the coffers for the Government to spend. I don’t want a boom and bust rollercoaster ride on offer from Labour that will spend everything and then some. We’ve been there before and it is painful……I want sustainability and stability on offer elsewhere.
I am not ‘tribal’ in my political allegiances though as I don’t blindly follow a particular party, theme or ideology. I simply feel that putting Labour back in charge at this time could (and probably will) be disastrous for the United Kingdom. Is it wrong to vote on that simple basis?
The economic reality of 2010 was the UK being saddled with a huge deficit (comparable to Greece) and high unemployment.  Now five years later, the deficit has halved as a share of our economy, we have had growth when many countries around us have been struggling and employment levels are the highest ever. That’s quite a result given that we have just lived through the worst recession in economic history.
The policies under a Conservative Government have (broadly) worked. Other countries and the IMF recognise our economic strategy is working. The task is far from finished though and another term sorting out the Labour mess that was inherited seems the only logical fit. Especially when listening to some of the other parties……it seems that they believe the economy is fine now and we can return to the days of borrow and spend. That is simply crazy.
Promises that they can spend more, borrow more and still keep growth and jobs going are not credible.  We need continuity to ensure the benefits of recovery spread more widely to everyone. Without growth and a thriving private sector, we cannot repay the debts we owe and our children will be left to pick up the pieces of today’s failure to recognise reality.
So there you have it……my thoughts on voting for what they are worth based on what is right for our economy and in turn, the people of the UK.
Changing course now when the economy is not yet healed just seems too risky to me.
Regardless of the eventual winner, it’s going to be a bumpy few weeks!

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