Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Political Flirting

It is fair to say that the vote winning flirting and pouting is well underway in preparation for the General Election next year.
Whilst I am always incredibly sceptical at the standard of smooching on offer from upper class middle aged former public school boys, there really has been some good to come from the vote winning antics recently.
Firstly, Scotland. Whilst independence has been an important issue, let’s cut to the chase on the key matter……just under 10% of the votes and Parliamentary seats will come from Scotland. Scotland could end up being the difference between an outright majority and another coalition Government. Scotland is a big deal.
That’s why each of the parties will work with Scotland to ensure that it gets what it wants (broadly) from the recent yes / no vote……i.e. more independence but not total independence. That can’t be a bad thing.
Secondly, Pension Reform. The last 6 months has seen the most radical reform of pensions in their history. The previous rigidness of pensions caused frustration and dis-heartedness for millions……yet they have been changed forever for the greater good. Why now? 75% of the over 55’s will vote next year!
Just remember……not all the strutting, seduction and point scoring for our votes is a bad thing.

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