Monday 18 August 2014

Short Sighted Savings

One of these days Barclays will do something to impress me. Admittedly the staff in my local branch of Barclays are non-offensive……but being only marginally more helpful than the staff in Morrisons is hardly in the ‘impressed’ category. Anyway, until that great day comes when I’m impressed – and unicorns come dancing down Darlington High Street to celebrate – I have no choice but to continue to highlight the continued errors of Barclays ways.
Its latest consumer faux pas concerns their tax-friendly Cash ISAs. From Bonfire Night (you couldn’t script it) 1.6million of its customers will see the interest they receive from their cash ISA reduced as the bank consolidates its products.
In total, 11 ISA plans will be done away with and everyone will be stuffed into its Instant Access Cash ISA (Issue 1) that pays interest of between 1.29% and 1.49% percent depending on how much you have tucked away. That will leave thousands pretty narked when their current rate is slashed.
And if Barclays are doing this……what do we think the rest of the High Street Banks will do?
You see the bigger issue is not how little Barclays care about their customers……we all know they don’t. The issue is that we all stand aside, let the banks dictate to us and it creates a country of spenders not savers.
We have the worst saving rate of all leading economies in the world. But with banks offering rates below the rate of inflation…..where is the incentive to save?
Those at W1 can increase ISA limits to whatever they want……but it is all worthless unless we can see a real return on savings.
All very short sighted……but that’s UK politics for you.
Boringly predictable

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