Saturday 24 May 2014

Not A Sleepy Party

The recent local elections are all done and dusted……but what is the big lesson learned a year out from the 2015 General Election?

Easy……ignore UKIP at your peril as they were the big winners.

Not by electing the most councillors - the three main parties have many more.

Not by making the most gains - Labour's gains are almost double those made by UKIP.

Not by taking control of councils - they run no town or city halls.

So……in what sense did UKIP win? Europe and all UKIP stand for.

Their victory was to complete the move from ‘party of protest’ that was only competitive in European Elections to one that is now wounding the big three up throughout the country. Talk of winning seats in the 2015 General Election next year no longer seems fanciful.

Any party serious about winning the 2015 General Election now how to react to what the public are saying by voting for UKIP. There has been plenty of negative comment written about Nigel Farage and UKIP but they have brought hot and emotional topics to the table that now need to be dealt with as the people have spoken……Europe and Immigration.

Ignore UKIP at your peril - the local election results tell all......

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly UKIP are gaining ground because:

    • Less than 50% vote in any election
    • No Party is free from criticism.
    • Direction and effective result is diluted by GREED.
    • Many prominent MP’s are involved either by ‘share’ or ‘title’ with significant Companies obtaining preferential contracts. Etc..

    It was mentioned that Farage had earned circa £2m from Europe and only attended one in 40 meetings.. If true this is atrocious.. If false, it may not effect voting decisions just as ‘Stories’ about other public figure are more likely to ‘Boost’ rather that ‘Detract or Deter’ voters.

    Nothing much has changed in 500 years, even to who gets ‘top dog’ position, judging by Cameron’s Heritage.

    For me: ‘The Jury is out’!! Which means only the Lawyers Profit!!!
