Sunday 16 March 2014

Political Aphrodisiac

As a proud Englishman, I have watched from distance Scotland’s quest for independence with intrigue. Whilst I am remaining open-minded on the subject, I keep coming back to the same subject……oil.
As the last few decades have shown, oil is a pretty big deal for world governments. It’s like an aphrodisiac for politicians. Billions have been spent on wars that didn’t need fighting leading to thousands of lives that didn’t need to be lost……all because of oil.
Here are the hard facts……there are up to 24 billion recoverable barrels of oil remaining in the North Sea with a wholesale value of over £1.5 trillion. Those figures meant nothing to me until I understood that this is more oil tax revenue still to come out of the North Sea than has already been generated. That’s a big deal……a colossal amount.
As we edge closer to the referendum date of 18 September 2014, always keep those 3 little letters in mind……as it will dominate many angles and agendas.  Don’t expect anything other than O I L to be at the forefront of aroused politician minds.

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