Monday 7 October 2013

Inglorious Gideon

Two things I learnt last week……actually it was more like a memory jogger (but you get the point).
Firstly, George Osborne (you remember him right? The most powerful man in the UK charged with managing the UK finances) changed his name in his teens……he was originally called Gideon Oliver Osborne.
Keen to enter politics, he changed his name as he didn’t want to come across as pompous, arrogant or wealthy and changed to a more credible George (due to the rich royal and political history of such a name).
Secondly, the Coalition Government (well George Osborne) proclaimed to all in 2010 that there would be economic growth of 8.8% by 2013. Well guess what, we have actually had 2.2%.
The thing is……it matters little whether you are Gorgeous George of Glorious Gideon if your finger is so far off the pulse of economic reality. The brutal fact is……you have achieved only 25% of the target you set yourself. There are not many that can fail so miserably and still retain their position.
Oh, and while we’re at it……it takes more than a change of name to stop being arrogant or pompous. Credibility is soooooooo much more than a name.
Just saying……

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