Wednesday 4 September 2013

Blue Politics

I want to make something very clear from the start. This is true, it’s not made up and the information has come from a Freedom of Information request.
Let’s start at the beginning……
Prime Minister David Cameron announced in July that most households in the UK would have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they chose to receive it.
Online pornography was "corroding childhood" and "distorting" children's understanding of sex and relationships, he argued. As a consequence, the UK's biggest internet service providers have agreed to the filters scheme meaning it should cover 95% of homes.
All very commendable and morally correct.
Which is all the more interesting given the latest data from the Freedom of Information request……confirming more than 300,000 attempts were made to access pornographic websites at the House of Lords over the past year. MP’s, peers and House of Commons officials need to take a long hard look at the contradicting message that this sends out.

It’s not as if Parliament has a background of contradicting stances……like wanting to round up the offshore tax dodgers whilst fiddling their own expenses……or wanting freedom and peace for countries by bombing them to bits to achieve it……or wanting better public services but cutting spending at the same time……and on and on.
I guess the only shocking thing on this story is that it isn’t shocking!

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