Thursday 31 January 2013

Cash In Combat

The US took one of only two steps required to go into recession as the economy shrunk by 0.1% in Q4 of 2012. Growth for 2012 as a whole came in at 2.2%, up from 1.8% in 2011, but still unusually slow compared with previous economic recoveries in the US following recessions in the post-War era.

Remember, the US is a big deal to us (as I wrote in a previous post)

The fourth-quarter shrinkage in economic output comes as a shock to analysts on Wall Street, who had been expecting 1.1% growth (according to a poll by Reuters). Interestingly……not one economic expert surveyed had predicted an economic contraction. Your guess on the US economy would have been as valuable as theirs clearly!

Perhaps the most interesting point was that growth was dragged down by a 22% cut in the federal government's defence spending. Or to put this another way, so many businesses / personal prosperity is linked to war in the US. To put this into perspective, this was the biggest defence spending cut since 1972, when the US was winding down from the end of the Vietnam War.

Spending on war / defence has been a reoccurring theme for the past 50 years in the US. At one extreme, you have George W Bush who won two elections by being devoted to war (and oil)……to the other extreme you have John F Kennedy who probably lost his life in 1963 due to an anti-war stance. 

One thing for sure, a reduction in defence spending will hit the US economy……another issue to add on top of other public spending cuts and tax rises.

Interesting times……

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