Thursday 8 November 2012

Obama Re-Elected President of the UK!

So there you have it......we now know who our President is for the next 4 years! 


Damn right. Ask yourself why TV / Radio / Newspapers ran with the story 24 hours a day? Because the US Presidential Election is more important than our own Prime Minister election process. The UK is nothing more than another US state with a different currency in real terms and the Prime Minster is a State Governor. 

Scary but true. 

How did it get to this stage? A couple of things for you to consider.

1. The US is the biggest economy in the world.

2. The US is the biggest buyer of goods / services in the world.

3. The US is the biggest buyer of exported UK goods / services in the world.

4. US economic policy impacts the UK in a bigger way than any decision made at Westminster.

So in short, the US is a big deal. Their politics are our politics. Their decisions are our decisions.
Don't be fooled by Cameron stating that we have a 'special relationship' with the US. The relationship is very much one sided. We need them......they don't need us as we bring very little to the table. 

I wonder how long it is before we in the UK get to vote in the US Presidential Election? Could be sooner than you think!

4 more years! 

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