Thursday 20 September 2012

No Sex Please

I really can't understand this one at all. And for once, I can't even blame the banks or politicians.

The Background......
When it comes to matters of sex, some of our European partners are renowned for their more liberal approach, romanticism, guile and prowess. Yet, interestingly, the forthcoming EU Gender Directive flies in the face of individuality and sexual expression.

The EU Gender Directive will come into force on 21 December 2012 and will force all UK Insurers to treat men and women the same when it comes to insurance premiums. This means that whether you are insuring a car, your house or your life, men and woman must pay the same.

The Problem......
Women are generally a lower risk to insure as they are less likely to claim. They drive safer, they live safer and they live longer. As a consequence, they pay less. All very fair and above board. But the new ruling will mean that this will be unlawful shortly.

What Next?
I just don't get it. An insurer will weigh up the risks when insuring something and set a premium to do so. End of. But this is effectively saying, do not consider some of the risks and increase your premiums for women.

That's like saying......

A 17 year old must be insured for a car at the same price as a 50 year old or you are 'ageist' and 'driverist'.

Or a Robin Reliant has to be insured at the same cost as a Porsche or you are a 'carist'.

Or a dog must be insured at the same price as a hamster or you are a 'petist'.

I just don't get it.

This all smacks of too many men in Brussels, with too much time, eating moules et frites over an extended lunch washed down with too much red having a right good snigger at us.


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