Tuesday 15 May 2012

A Time To Celebrate?

Last week saw the second anniversary of the Coalition Government. It came and went without much fuss, probably due to the fact that there was little to celebrate.

If it wasn’t a time for celebration, then it was certainly a time for reflection. So exactly what have we learnt from the past 2 years?

1.     Two party leaders in Government does not double personality, charisma or charm. Both are sadly lacking on all counts.

2.     The Government and Bank of England are still powerless to control the banking sector. The banks hold all the Ace cards and the rest of us have to fall in line. Sad, but very true.

3.     The Coalition Government inherited a mess of colossal proportions, which the Labour Government did extremely well to cover up for so long. Paul Daniels would have been proud of that one.

4.     The ‘fix’ to the inherited mess is austerity measures that will see cuts to public services like never before.

5.     The rest of the world sees the UK as a reasonably safe haven because of the plan in place to tackle the problems and the austerity measures that are taking place. I think that should perhaps read ‘safer’ rather than ‘safe’ – the UK is simply a better bet than Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. Actually, come to think of it……it’s not much of compliment really is it. 

6.     Austerity leads to mass unemployment.

7.     Unemployment leads to a stagnant economy at best.

8.     The Private Sector is the key to driving the UK to economic salvation and job creation. The Coalition Government has forgotten to offer any measures to stimulate Private Sector growth though. Bugger.

9.     Labour’s choice of leader makes the Coalition Government’s job far easier than it should be. Ed Miliband is watery at best, pathetic at worst and embarrassing most of the time. I’ll give him just one more year. Shocking.

10.  Boris Johnson is more popular in the Conservative Party than David Cameron and is favourite to replace him as the party leader. God help us.

Ultimately the Coalition Government’s term will be judged on the success of the Austerity measures……let’s hope there is some pleasure that follows the first 2 years of pain. 

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