What to make of the Eurozone ‘situation’ then?
One thing for sure is that it is impossible to see anything other than Greece and Portugal leaving the Euro……unless there is a complete overhaul of the fiscal policy in the Eurozone. Eh? Let me put this another way……
Unless there is one tax system applied consistently across all member states, the Eurozone will fail. As with all tax systems, the rich pay tax and subsidise the poor……so, German taxes need to pay for Greece / Portugal / Ireland. The Eurozone is essentially Germany with some hanger-ons and unless they agree to a common tax system, an exit seem inevitable.
Interesting that Merkel recently said that Germany must do everything in its power to retain every country in the Eurozone. However, with a German election around the corner, this is unlikely to be a vote winner. I guess time will tell.
Ladbrokes currently have Greece leaving the Eurozone at 6 – 4 on and bookies rarely get it wrong.
Perhaps if Greece put a few quid on themselves leaving the Eurozone, the winnings could solve the financial problems!
Just a thought……