Tuesday 10 April 2012

Exceptionally Thick or Simply A Liar?

This was just too good to resist……

The Story……
HM Revenue and Customs provided the Chancellor George Osborne with "anonymised copies" of confidential tax returns submitted to the organisation by the UK's wealthiest people. Chancellor George Osborne says he is "shocked" that some of the UK's richest people have organised their finances in such a way that that they pay virtually no income tax.

My Thinking……
So let me get this right……you socialise with very wealthy people, they are the largest donators to your political party and you are responsible for setting the tax system in this country……yet you are “shocked” that they pay virtually no income tax?
I think I am right in saying that makes you:

      (a)  Exceptionally Thick


      (b)  A Liar


      (c)  Both Of The Above

Answers on a post card to the usual address.

My favourite quote from the economic genius on the subject: “I don’t think that’s right”. Well it is right and the bizarre thing is, the wealthy are doing nothing wrong. All perfectly legitimate because the loop holes weren’t closed at the budget. That’s right, you were too busy shafting the elderly with the granny tax!

Just saying……

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