Tuesday 20 March 2012

Budget Bingo Anyone?

The rules are pretty straight forward. Simply scratch off from the list below as and when the uninspiring George Osborne gives his Budget speech to Parliament tomorrow.

1.     Look smug outside of No 10 holding a battered red brief case containing 50 minutes of drivel compiled by someone else.

2.     Deliver 50 minutes of drivel entitled ‘For The Working People’ or something similar.

3.     David Cameron and Nick Clegg to nod appreciatively at any points in the drivel that Labour throw abuse at.

4.     Protect the higher earners by keeping legitimate tax loop holes open.

5.     Abolish the 50p tax rate for those earning over £150,000 by using a lame excuse about it not really working.

6.     Close some of the tax benefits that pensions offer. Why would they want to encourage people to save……get them spending.

7.     Blame to be pointed at Labour for the state of the economy.

8.     Blame to be pointed at Labour for the level of public debt.

9.     Quickly skim over the fact that the austerity measures are not meeting target.

10.  Set new unrealistic austerity targets based on unrealistic future economic growth forecasts.

We shall see……Lunchtime Wednesday.

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