Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Caught With Your Trousers Down?

So apparently there is someone hawking themselves around to the filthy rich offering a private dinner with David Cameron and George Osborne for a ‘minimum donation’ to the Conservatives. The papers have jumped all over it calling it ‘cash for policy’.

I think everyone is missing a point here. We are all deluded if we believe that this doesn’t go on with every political party. Private functions between party leaders and wealthy donators have been happening for years. It’s all about a political party having a particular angle on a subject to favour the donator.  It has been going on for years and we are all naïve if we believe it is anything other. The Conservatives are in bed with another political party (I believe it’s called a Coalition Government) and it’s a pretty big ship to change course. We are crazy to think that a private dinner can change anything when we have the Lib Dems as our safety net (bizarrely).

For me, the big issue is that Downing Street is a gift from ‘us’ to the Prime Minister / Chancellor and should be used to run the country. All of the resources and costs are ‘ours’……not for fundraising for the political party. We also own their time and they represent ‘us’. This is the biggest crime here…..’our’ resources being used for political gain.

In case you were wondering, the Conservative HQ is just 0.9 miles away from Downing Street.  

Just saying……that’s all.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Got To Know Your Headlines!

Well, The Budget was as compelling as ever and some really interesting headlines came out of it. Don’t be blinded by the political stance of which red top / broad sheet you read……just simply understand the headlines:

Personal Allowance
This will make the front of all newspapers – the increase in personal allowance before we pay tax. It is the largest ever increase and is designed to ensure that we have more money in our pocket. As long as you earn under £100,000 a year, you will be better off. End of.


Well, you would be forgiven for thinking that ‘they’ were simply trying to make living a little easier for everyone given rising costs, no / limited pay rises, etc, given the manner in which it was delivered (“a budget to support working families”). However, you’d be wrong.

The real reason is to get us spending. The more money in our pockets, the more confident we are to spend. That then grows the economy and the Government earns more through taxes on goods / services. Clever isn’t it?

Headline Grabber Rating:            9 / 10
See Through Rating:                   8 / 10

Corporation Tax
The rate at which businesses pay tax will reduce over the next couple of years from 25% to 22%.

Again you would be forgiven for thinking that this was to reduce the tax burden on businesses and help them to survive during troubled economic times (“a budget to support business”). You’d be wrong again though.

The UK has one of the highest rates of business tax in the G20 group of nations. By reducing business tax rates it attracts foreign companies to establish operations here. This leads to job creation, a growing economy, more tax revenue, etc.

Headline Grabber Rating:            6 / 10
See Through Rating:                   8 / 10

50p to 45p Tax
The rate at which those earning over £150,000 a year will reduce from 50p to 45p.

Now this one will cause some head scratching, especially as we were lulled into the messages of the “rich paying more tax than the poor”. This is what the opposition majored on during their response when Ed Miliband asked the same question. I’d love to say it was pure theatre on a knife edge but it simply resembled overpaid public school boys doing pantomime. Oh yes it does.

Anyway, back to the plot……It is all very well to have low Corporation Tax for business to encourage foreign investment but you won’t encourage foreign business leaders to drive the businesses as they will pay a top rate of 50p. Better get that rate down to 45p then.

Headline Grabber Rating:            9 / 10
See Through Rating:                   8 / 10

Child Benefit
This one was my favourite.

So, you’ll recall that Child Benefit was to be scrapped for any household where one of the parents earned £40,000 or more. Problem was, they didn’t really take into account that some households may have two parents earning (say £35,000 each = £70,000) compared to some where there was just one earner at £40,000. The £40,000 family would lose Child Benefit compared to the £70,000 family that would not. Political comedy at its best but at our expense.

So rather than admitting that they had done an ‘Alistair Darling’ they decided to tweak it by reducing Child Benefit on a phased scale from £50,000 to £60,000 (when it is completely removed). So not completely sorting the ‘Alistair Darling’ out but avoidance of a u-turn in the short term.

Face saved? Yes. More money in pockets to spend (see ‘Personal Allowance’)? Yes. Job done then.

Headline Grabber Rating:            6 / 10
See Through Rating:                   9 / 10

State Pension Age
Just when we thought that the mess of the State Pension age had been cleared up by increasing the age to somewhere between 65 – 68, a further bombshell went off.

“State Pension Age Review is to be undertaken immediately in line with rates of longevity”. 

Now call me a sceptic, but I am pretty sure that when a review of the increasing life expectancy age highlights an increasing life expectancy age (it’s not rocket science is it), the State Pension age will increase further.


Pretty simple really. We have no money set aside for any of our State Pensions and they are currently paid for from the National Insurance contributions paid by those in work. If there are more people in retirement than paying National Insurance, that creates a hole that needs to be funded through Government borrowing. Simple solution required then……increase the State Pension age to create less people needing a pension. End of.

Headline Grabber Rating:            7 / 10
See Through Rating:                   9 / 10

The Budget is meant to be all about setting out policies to grow the economy without bankrupting ourselves in the meantime. Call me a bitter and twisted “(insert word)” but it seems to be about creating good headlines and scoring political points more and more.

Oh well, that’s that for another year.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Budget Bingo Anyone?

The rules are pretty straight forward. Simply scratch off from the list below as and when the uninspiring George Osborne gives his Budget speech to Parliament tomorrow.

1.     Look smug outside of No 10 holding a battered red brief case containing 50 minutes of drivel compiled by someone else.

2.     Deliver 50 minutes of drivel entitled ‘For The Working People’ or something similar.

3.     David Cameron and Nick Clegg to nod appreciatively at any points in the drivel that Labour throw abuse at.

4.     Protect the higher earners by keeping legitimate tax loop holes open.

5.     Abolish the 50p tax rate for those earning over £150,000 by using a lame excuse about it not really working.

6.     Close some of the tax benefits that pensions offer. Why would they want to encourage people to save……get them spending.

7.     Blame to be pointed at Labour for the state of the economy.

8.     Blame to be pointed at Labour for the level of public debt.

9.     Quickly skim over the fact that the austerity measures are not meeting target.

10.  Set new unrealistic austerity targets based on unrealistic future economic growth forecasts.

We shall see……Lunchtime Wednesday.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

100 Year Mortgage Anyone?

This one has got my blood boiling……Politicians contradicting themselves? Surely not……

The background bit……

Not too many years ago it was really easy to spend money you didn’t have and the UK went on a credit card spree. When the credit cards were ‘maxed out’ it didn’t matter as the UK went on a remortgage frenzy and released equity from their homes to clear the credit cards. And the credit card spending started again…….repeat over a few years.

Well, the banks (and rightly so) were blamed by Downing Street for this reckless lending and effectively turning short term debt into long term 25 year mortgages. Downing Street did nothing (they don’t run Government the banks do you see) and the banking crisis resulted. Since then, the banks have had to fight their way out of a corner that they put themselves in.      

Cut to the chase then Steve……

Buried amongst the stories of Cameron flirting with Obama in America this week was the suggestion that the Treasury (that’ll be George Osborne then) are considering converting some of the Government’s 30 year loans it has to 100 years to make the interest rate repayments cheaper in the short term.
So let me get this right……

You’ve been on a spending spree you couldn’t afford? Yes

You needed to borrow in the short term to pay for it? Yes

You now want to make that short term debt a long term 100 YEAR debt? Yes.

I rest my case your honour. No further questions.

Verdict: Ugly