love this……in an ironic, scratching head, you couldn’t script it kind of way.
(you remember them right……you own 80% of them!) were called to Government to
answer questions to the Treasury Committee over claims that the bank
deliberately killed off very viable firms by requesting immediate repayment of
loans as well as making money out of small and medium sized businesses that
were in financial distress.
RBS directors gave evidence to the committee to confirm that this was not the
case. Story over then……or is it?
is a twist in the tale as good as any Agatha Christie……it has since transpired
that the evidence given was factually incorrect, manipulated to support RBS and
made a mockery of the investigation.
RBS’s response to this? “An honest mistake had been made”.
the track record of the banking sector over the last 10 years, the word
‘honest’ is comical.
seems that the banks have not learnt one lesson to me. These so called 'errors'
won't be stamped out until a few very senior bankers are imprisoned for
considerable lengths of time. Then and only then will the greed of banks be
curtailed and a culture of transparency and honesty be instilled.
a thought.