Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Claim On A Claim

Well who'd of thought it......more scandal surrounding the banks. And to save you guessing all day on what the subject is this time, I'll save you......it's PPI again.
I think we all sick of the phone calls, adverts, etc. in fact the whole subject to be fair. But this compensation beast looks like it's set to roll on and on.
It's a little bizarre this one as the banks have been oh so willing to award compensation for the mis-sold PPI but appears that their calculations have not included all of the recompense due. Yes premiums have been refunded and interest awarded in line with regulator guidance, additional changes and fees have been 'forgotten'. Forgotten to the tune of around £1 billion.
That's quite a memory slip.
However, the biggest loser in all of this is our economy. As long as banks have liabilities that need cash, they will be reluctant to lend to the business community at attractive rates and this will stop the Private Sector growing and creating jobs.
What a mess......and all so avoidable

Monday, 21 July 2014

Pension Palaver

During the budget in March 2014, the Chancellor launched radicle reforms of pensions to allow those retiring access to their pensions as a lump sum. Given the complexity of pensions for retirees, Gorgeous George stated that everybody would have access to ‘free advice’ to help with their pension decisions.
You can read more from my blog post from March: http://stevesmithlive.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/advice-furor_25.html
To ensure I am not mistaken, I am a great advocate of people getting the right advice……especially those entering retirement. We are one of the few countries in the world that does not offer subsidies or tax breaks for such complex advice areas. Good advice leads to better decisions……leads to better financial positions of the population……leads to less reliant on the State. Simple.
However, the current system in the UK is broken and offers little support. This week I received a new enquiry from a prospective client about to retire. They informed me that:
“I called my pension provider, but they wouldn’t help and told me to get independent advice. I called the regulator’s helpline but they wouldn’t help and told me to get independent advice. I went to the Citizens Advice Bureau and they printed off a list of 20 financial advisers within a 10 mile radius of where I live”.  
I have heard this story 10 times this year already. Sad and pathetic really.
So it is with great interest and dare I say it……intrigue……that I have been waiting for George Osborne’s announcement on how this ‘free advice’ was to be delivered. I should have known better though……he will use exactly the same failed Government departments as now.
I just don’t get it……The dust has settled, consultation has been sort and 4 months have passed……this was not a knee jerk reaction. This was a considered response.   
The complexity of pensions means they have danger written all over them in the wrong hands. The solution is really obvious……either make pensions really simple so that the decision making process is easy OR offer financial subsidies / tax breaks to allow experts to support retirees with the financial decisions.
What we have actually got is £20 million being spent over the next 2 years on the same Government departments that are failing now.
I feel cheated George – you just don’t get it.   
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Turning Uncle Sam’s Tap Off

The big news coming from across the water is that the Federal Reserve (think Bank of England with a difference accent) will end its financial support to the US economy from October.
The US Government has been pumping as much as $85 billion a month to prop up its economy……or the equivalent  of what ‘we’ spent to save RBS!
The big question has been when will the financial aid end……now that this is known, the even bigger question is what will the impact be?
When you stop injecting money into the biggest economy in the world, it will have a knock on effect. Or to put that another way……what will be the impact to the UK when the biggest buyer of our goods and services has less money in their economy?
One thing is for sure, pumping that kind of money into an economy is not sustainable and standing on its own feet can only be a good thing for the US long term. Let's hope it is for the UK also!
Time will tell.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Branching Out

I feel a little sorry for high street banks. Actually I better position this before you think that I am mad……I feel sorry for their branches!
I hear and see anger every day directed at banks……but it is the branches that cop it.
Bank branches didn’t cause the banking collapse – that happened much higher up the ladder. Yes we’ve all been annoyed by the overly enthusiastic cashier in a cheap suit asking when our insurance renewal is (etc.)……but they simply transmitted the policies decided at senior level.
However, the branches have been tarred with the same brush as they are the voice and face of a bank. Who else were we meant to blame?  
The times they be changing though.
Whilst banks are a necessary evil in many eyes, visiting a branch is not. Such is our loathing of bank branches that £1 billion of transactions are now done by mobile phone, tablet or internet banking. With 15,000 banking apps being downloaded a day, this figure will increase each week.
Voting with your feet……errrr phone….can only be a good thing I guess. This stops cross selling, mis-selling and any selling……leaving branches to think outside of the box to engage with customers.
Time will tell……but a fresh approach from branches can only be a good thing.