Scratching my head at this one……quite a contradiction.
An investigation into Starbucks in the UK has shown that despite £3 billion in UK sales since 1998, only £8.6 million has been paid in tax. That’s a tax rate of less than 1%.
So that suggests……
(1) They are hugely unprofitable and have had many years of losses.
(2) They are hugely profitable but have found a loop hole (or two) in the UK tax system.
(3) HMRC are useless at upholding tax rules.
I’ll let you make your own mind up on this one. But does a company that plans to create 5,000 new jobs over the next 5 years and shareholders were recently told by company executives that the UK business was "successful", "profitable" and they were "very pleased with their performance" sound like a company making losses?
Regrettably, my money is on a mixture of (2) and (3).
One day we will have a fair and just tax system that is policed efficiently.
One day.